Keewatin Tribal Council

Header image: Manitoba Indigenous Firefighters Competition, Thompson Manitoba, June 2019

Creation Of An Indigenous CFS Law And An Indigenous Governing Body

In response to the TRC Calls to action with respect to child welfare, Keewatin Tribal Council has engaged the Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba to:

  • Develop a child and family services law

  • Determine the scope of the child and family services law

  • Define how services will be delivered and by whom

  • Authorize an Indigenous governing body to act on behalf of the Keewatin Tribal Council First Nations children, youth and families

  • Confirm the mandate of the Indigenous governing body

In support of this work, Keewatin Tribal Council will work with Cochrane Saxberg and engage the 11 affiliated Nations in extensive dialogue to ensure the above-noted mandate is directed by the people, for the children, youth and families of the 11 Keewatin Tribal Council Nations.

The work is expected to be guided within the organizational framework of Keewatin Tribal Council and will include community representation through an Elders Council, steering committee, community liaisons and project personnel. The project personnel will be tasked to engage our people locally and through regional workshops and meetings. Efforts to explore best practices from our history will be facilitated through archival research and various ceremonial approaches.

This project is in the early stages of implementation and received the mandate to proceed from the KTC Chiefs on August 2021. The funding will be derived from the Federal Government.

Youth Transitioning Out of Care

On a more urgent basis, Keewatin Tribal Council has collaborated with the Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba to establish a facility that will prepare youth in care as they transition out of care.

This project will provide accommodations where youth will be expected to reside and maintain their residence as if it was their own. There will be supports in place where the youth will be taught life skills including money management. The youth will have to attend school and will be encouraged to seek part-time employment while attending high school or university. This project is in early development and has received leadership approval.