Northern Health Region
Heaer image: The Thompson Vaccination Supersite, 2021
The Northern Health Region honours and acknowledges Indigenous and Northern citizens and leaders for their individual and collective efforts during this global pandemic. Like many others, the NHR has spent this past year planning, preparing and responding to COVID19 in a multitude of ways. NHR Public Health has been busy doing contact tracing, testing, outbreak support, alternate isolation accommodation and now vaccine rollout. NHR is focusing on the pandemic while still providing other much-needed essential health services.
We encourage each of you to get the vaccine, if you are hesitant, please visit your doctor to learn more about it. We are doing good in the North, but we have a way to go yet! Vaccines are the pathway out of the pandemic and we ask you to do your part to keep our circles safe and strong.
Provincial Link -
MKO Link -
Since last March, the NHR has hosted a call for Indigenous and Northern leaders, partners and health professionals weekly, to share the most current information and efforts regarding COVID19 and have meaningful dialogue. These meetings allow for discussion around the multi-jurisdictional realities in the North, as the Federal and Provincial governments also participate. This opportunity to connect has helped keep communities and organizations informed, it has been a conduit for solving and responding to Northern-specific issues.
Even during the pandemic, while following Public Health Order restrictions, we were able to provide an opportunity to attend Cultural Proficiency and Indigenous Cultural Safety training in-person to well over 100 people. All staff and physicians at the NHR are required to complete the training, this assists our physicians and other healthcare professionals to provide culturally safe care which improves the patient experience and the quality of care they receive.