Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Header Image: RCMP Inspector Chris Hastie at a Public Consultation for the Thomspon Community Welleness and Safety Committee, September 2021
A strategic priority of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is the health and safety of indigenous communities.
Starting in November 2018, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) D Division began consultations with Elders and Leaders from organizations that represent all Indigenous communities in Manitoba. During these consultations, Indigenous Peoples graciously shared their wisdom, stories, truths, and guidance. These important insights led to the development of the D Division Reconciliation Story, a living document that provides us with practical steps towards reconciliation, and will serve as our primary guide as we continue. While the D Division Reconciliation Story is an important beginning, the journey to reconciliation is far from over and is continually evolving.
Police Community Relations continues to work with many programs despite the COVID-19 restrictions such as School Liaisons, Thompson Community Resource Team, MAPS (Men are Part of the Solution) Downtown Strategy, Project Northern Doorway, Second Chances for Youth, and Restorative Justice, while collaborating and communicating with many other community partners.